This morning I found this comment on my post about sentences of Rouche Coleman and his ex wife Kesia Bankston-Coleman from a man who confides that he knew Kesia named Min. Dr. Lewis R Brown:

@Robin Naismith Green: With all due respects to you and your comments on the Murder-Suicide of Kesia Bankston and her ex-husband Coleman, you did not really know Sister Kesia as well as I and my wife did. Therefore, your comments of her being a controlling person and other things you have said about her in your blog are inanely silly and totally off-key as far as I am concerned. I met Kesia in the Fall 1995 at SUBR while serving as her Biology and Chemistry Tutor and I can say I never once witness once ounce of controlling feature in this lovely Christian Lady. I can remember fondly the very last I spoke with her and prayed with her on the phone on June 1, 2012 and we had a lovely conversation. She was a frequent caller to our house in Nokesville, Virginia and when she lived in Va we spoke for hours and prayed for hours on the phone. As for someone pushing Coleman’s buttons to make him react, I can say I never saw nor knew that side of Kesia. While I know people post items on the Internet and certain blogs to gain attention and become known as “Outspoken”, I can honestly say that you may not have known the Spiritual Christian Side of Sister Kesia as well as our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.

No one can provoke anyone with a spiritual relationship with the Holy Trinity so much as to do what her ex-husband did her and her son and sadly to himself. We have gotten angry at one point or another in our lives but killing someone is never the answer at all. I am not here to judge anyone as the Holy WORD of GOD does that in our lives when we are out of order with our Holy Trinity in daily lives. Instead of saying that Kesia will serve her sentence in HELL for her actions, prayers need to be flowing from our hearts and minds for her soul and for her son and for her ex-husband who seemingly was in need of some serious Spiritual HEALING before SATAN took controlled of his mind and heart fully. Kesia is gone from our world but her memories will live on forever in our hearts and minds with her friends and family. No one deserves to suffer the same fate that Sister Kesia and so many others have suffered at the hands of a jealous insecure spouse who simply can not and will not let go.

Instead of passing judgment on HELL being Sister Kesia’s Final resting place and tearing down her memory even more with your comments, why don’t you Try to PULL YOURSELF up and pray for this lady and her family and friends and the pain and hurt they are suffering. Why not seek to pray for all involved that GOD alleviates the pain both families are feeling and that GOD’s HEALING COMES to the hearts and minds of all. Domestic Violence and relationships not based on the Holy Trinity need to prayed for and anointed for HEALING.

I am not going to waste the time of my readers with a long dissertation. What I need to say can be said briefly and to the point. Min Dr Brown, no matter how well you think you know a person you have to admit that in your esteemed presence Ms Bankston [ as you address her] would be on her absolute best behavior because this is what society expects from her. How she treates her ex-husband was very likely not a situation where she would be judged by a man of religion and his wife. On how she was judged and where she will pay for her transgressions against her own Soul; I, as you, don’t make the rules. I have come to notice as Diane Valencen did before me that prayer is the Band-Aid most generally applied to the broken leg of tragic failure. I also have come to realize that in cases like murder suicide there is very often a cognitive dissonance among those that are certain that some sin sends all people to Hell until that person is someone known and cared about. Once their is a connection to such a person the rules for who is saved and who is judged and found wanting become nearly fluid. More than 70% of the Souls that come to Hell are released as Free Citizens within hours of their arrival, but everyone owes some sort of debt for their actions or the actions of their previous generations and most can be taken care of in such a short period of time as compared with Eternity.

I thank you again for your comments.

Qu’ul cuda praedex nihil!

Robin Naismith Green, D.S.V.J., O.G.H. [Journ.]
Serratoth Custom House
City Desk Editor
The Dis Brimstone-Daily Pitchfork
50 Shatter 2 AS


  1. Min. Dr. Lewis R. Brown Says:

    @Robin- I thank you wholeheartedly for you for your reply. Just for the record my Sister, I am not judging anyone at all let alone you or your comments. I will continue to pray for you as well as those who are supportive of you and seek to imitate you and your pliable comments and I ask that LOVE of the HOLY Trinity come into your heart and in your mind. If you would like to have prayer with me, I invite you to do as I would love to pray with you in addition to praying for you.

  2. An Honest Person Says:

    For the record, you didn’t know the real Kesia Coleman then. This woman was jealous, controlling, a gold-digger, an evil lying jealous hearted woman who couldn’t get over the fact that Rouche just didn’t want her any more. She should rot in hell for ruining his life and the life of her sons. Of course I don’t condone violence, but had she moved on and just accepted the fact that she wasn’t the one he wanted, life would be swell for all of them now and the families would not have to suffer the losses they have. I don’t care what she talked about with you in Virginia, you didn’t know her in Louisiana, from a child to adult. From drug dealer to trying to date Rouche’s brother to get back at him. Get your facts straight. People do have more than one side. I have known Rouche for over 20 years. He was a loving, devoted father, he was an intelligent businessman, he loved life, he loved his family and loved his kids more than life itself. You were duped by this woman, and very well I see. Next time you want to say you know a person, KNOW what you’re talking about before you go public! That is all.

  3. I just want to say how amazingly arrogant and naïve I find the minister’s comments to be. I, too, knew Kesia Bankston both before and after she married Mr. Coleman. No one acts a certain way 24/7 and to assume that you alone knew her well enough to state it as fact that her accusers are wrong is ridiculous. In particular it would be extremely unwise to assume you know everything because of your position as a minister. The very fact that you are a minister means you are unlikely to have ever seen the most negative aspects of Ms. Bankston’s character, or anyone else’s for that matter. Have you never heard of the Hawthorne Effect?
    Furthermore, your telling others not to judge someone while you judge them for having an opinion is quite amusing, if totally expected.
    Try peeking through closed doors before you go claiming you know what someone is like away from the church, sir. You may be surprised at what you find.

    • Min. Dr. Lewis R. Brown Says:

      It has been nearly a year since this tragic and senseless event occurred. Let it go and focus on your own life and your own salvation with GOD. Make sure you are right with GOD and make sure that you are doing what the Holy Word commands us to do as Children of GOD. Do not worry about me or anyone else being Naive or senseless as your comment is simply designed to tear down and embarrass myself and make me look idiotic which is extremely sad and pathetic on your part because you are using the murder-suicide of two people to do it.

      If you really and truly believe that what you are saying is simply true and real take it to our Holy Father and ask HIM, not your heart or slanted views which seemingly is crowded and loaded with ill-feelings and hatred for some ungodly reason, to cleanse your heart and mind and allow you the peace and inner love for yourself and others. While I am not judging you nor anyone else here on this earth, your comments concerning an incident that is nearly a year old is not going to bring either of them back nor make our Holy Father see any way that murdering someone because he or she does not want to be with you any longer is the right thing to do in any situation (Remember Thou shalt not kill and Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor). As for me I did what Sister Kesia asked me to do when I was in communication with her and that was pray with her and for her and her family in general. You need to consider opening the Holy Word of GOD and seeing how when you know the Holy Word and how to apply it to your daily situations in life and study it daily to show thy ownself approved unto the LORD how cleansed and anointed you will feel as a person because you would not have time to hold on to issues such as the above matter which is far out of your hands now. This entire situation is in the hands of our Holy Father in HEAVEN and HE and only HE knows all the facts and matters in this issue, not you, not me , not the courts, not the police, not either family, not best friends of either person involved.

      Moreover, you ask me about the Hawthorne Effect and have I ever heard of it: I have and I have to ask have you ever studied the Holy Word of GOD and learned to let things go and allow GOD to be GOD and handle issues of this matter? Do not use tragic events such as this one to garner attention for yourself and what you are writing for it makes you look like not an ass but like someone who has nothing better to do with life and a terrible waste of skin. FYI from reading your comments you act the same and write the same so are we to say you are a FAKE or PHONY person???? I encourage you to pray and ask our Holy Father to grant you the grace of being able to pull yourself up and not try to pull others down where you are spiritually in life.


    I just want to say how amazingly arrogant and naïve I find the minister’s comments to be. I, too, knew Kesia Bankston both before and after she married Mr. Coleman. No one acts a certain way 24/7 and to assume that you alone knew her well enough to state it as fact that her accusers are wrong is ridiculous. In particular it would be extremely unwise to assume you know everything because of your position as a minister. The very fact that you are a minister means you are unlikely to have ever seen the most negative aspects of Ms. Bankston’s character, or anyone else’s for that matter. Have you never heard of the Hawthorne Effect?
    Furthermore, your telling others not to judge someone while you judge them for having an opinion is quite amusing, if totally expected.
    Try peeking through closed doors before you go claiming you know what someone is like away from the church, sir. You may be surprised at what you find.

  5. Min. Dr. Lewis R. Brown Says:

    @Eman Matter-Reading your comments concerning this matter have you considered praying to GOD for both their souls and asking our Holy Father in HEAVEN to watch over the children left behind and heal the hearts of both families from this tragic event. I suggest that instead of seeking attention for your inane and asinine comments as listed above this reply that you seek to study the Holy Word of GOD and learn for yourself my friend what the Love of GOD actually means and what it actually stands for in HIS HOLY WORD.

    Instead of bashing Sister Kesia why not pray for her soul and what happened to her and pray that such tragic events do not happen to anyone irrespective of color or sexual gender. Too much foolishness in this World already and we need to focus more on GOD and not judging on what goes on behind closed door in someone else’s house. Make sure your life is a textbook example of the Holy Word of GOD and not a reflection of tearing down someone else because they do not agree with your views or do not see or judge someone as you and many on this blog seemingly do. No one has the right to take another person’s life and then try to kill an innocent child as well. May GOD bless and anoint you and may HE anoint your heart to pick up HIS Holy Word and stay it more and learn more.

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