Archive for keith koffler


Posted in CONSERVATIVE NEWS, DIANE VALENCEN OPINIONS, SARAH PALIN, WHITE HOUSE DOSSIER with tags , , , , , on 24/07/2012 by Diane Valencen, D.S.V.J., O.Q.H [Journ.], ArF J., M.F.

Understanding the other side is paramount to making coherent arguments for your own side. Every day I read what passes for news on conservative site as well as what they feel the major stories are vice what gets put out by the American MSM. There is a notable delay in how these posts from large Conservative blogs trickle down to the masses on the lower rungs of the ladder. Here’s what you’re likely to see gain traction over the next news cycle:

From Glenn Beck’s The Blaze there’s a post with a sensational headline about Massachusetts tax payers considering “secession.” It appears that all this excitement in the village of Humarock, Massachusetts [ which is actually a part of the town of Scituate, Massachusetts.–R.N.G.] cam about because of a violation of the laws against building bonfires on the beach during the 4 July 2012 holiday. This has escalated in the mostly white, middle aged community into a full blown tax protest with demands to have repairs sidewalks, fill in potholes and trim unruly hedges. I couldn’t seem to find anything about “secession” in the national sense, in any of the story or the one from CBS or on The residents of Humarock are considering seceding from Scituate. If you take the time to read the report from CBS it clearly explains why bonfires have been outlawed due to out of control fires on the beach in March 2012. So clearly, these people feel they have a constitutional right to burn their community to the ground in the name of patriotism!

Keith Koffler at White House Dossier tries to make Obama the bad guy in the Aurora, Colorado shooting by saying the President didn’t go far enough to inspire civility after the tragedy. Mr Koffler the response to the shooting was as apolitical as a sitting president could possibly make it. This presidential campaign and the massive carpet bombing negative ad strategy undertaken by the Obama campaign has come as quite a shock to the Right and we here on the Left know you are suffering from that tight knot in your conservative guts as that scary convention looms just a month away now in Tampa.

Erick Erickson at Red State is secretly one of my favorite conservative bloggers. Well I guess it’s not so much of a secret now. The reason that I enjoy reading him so much is because he makes me laugh and today is no different than any other. Erickson writes that he is really over the MSM and Liberals [like me!] saying that Mitt Romney has been forced to move more and more to the Right to offer a contrast to President Obama. In reality, or at least the reality of Conservatives, Obama is as far Left as any president in history. Cue the raw meat shooter for the crowd of rural white middle class voters who live in areas where there is virtually no interaction with people of color between the races. Erickson pushes all the bigot buttons, Reverend Wright and Frank Marshall Davis are mentioned. Cue the “real American” class and ideological warfare meme machine with the New Party and Bill Ayers mentions. Erickson does fall short of going full on Birther, but he does earn his Conservative States of America paycheck embossed with a smug watermark of the Koch Brothers by blowing his dog whistle the loudest.

Chuck Norris is a kickass old white dude. I wish his political leanings were as cool as I remember his movies being. Alas, Norris has fallen into the same gravity toward Death draw that conservatism traps those with fame and fortune that has corrupted one time sex symbol Raquel Welch. With limited cache in Hollywood nowadays it’s not only cool amongst the pink oldsters to be on the Right, there’s also gold in them there hills! At Norris tells the faithful on the Right that big government and gun control aren’t the solution to mass murder with guns; the solution is simply teaching kids to be more civil.

Sarah Palin makes the list as forum readers and commenters are in full rictus over her endorsement of Arizona Congressman Jeff Flake over his TEA Party opponent Wil Cardon in the primary. Palin gives no indication to the real reason, the economic and political reason she made this mainstreaming move. Well, heck, I gave it away she wants desperately to speak at the RNC in Tampa in August and the only way she can wrangle an invite to mount the podium in the heartland of Floridan bigotry is to appear less momma grizzly and more establishment momma elephant.

Qu’ul cuda praedex nihil!

Diane Valencen, D.S.V.J., O.Q.H [Journ.], ArF J., M.F.
Editorial Page Editor
The Dis Brimstone Daily Pitchfork
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